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Liberals, Media Assail Women in Politics

July 3, 2009

Women in politics are increasingly being attacked by the liberal left and mainstream media.  We first saw this during last year’s election cycle.

Hillary Clinton, now Secretary of State, was thrown under the bus by her own party for heir apparant President Barack Obama.  The mainstream media’s love affair with Obama jaded the objectivity of the Democratic primary process.  Although it was not a landslide, media elites were slobbering (h/t to Bernie Goldberg) over Obama.    In the end, Hillary lost the Democratic nomination to Obama.

During the Presidential election, VP candidate Gov. Sarah Palin was assailed by the entire liberal establishment and the media because she was a conservative woman.  Even when the election ended and Palin returned home, the attacks continued.  Just do a search on Palin and you will not find a favorable, objective opinion by the liberal or mainstream media establishments.  Why?  They hate (conservative) women.

Although Carrie Prejean, former Miss California USA is not in the political arena, her stance on gay marriage has political implications.  She gave a truthful, honest, personal answer to her beliefs on gay marriage.  She was crucified by all facets of the liberal, gay and mainstream media communities.  The negative press eventually cost her the crown.

In Delaware, 2008 U.S. Senate candidate  Christine O’Donnell who is a strong conservative (like Palin) is attacked for her strong beliefs. 

To illustrate the vicious attacks by the liberal community, check out these posts (attacks):

Why bring up all of these ridiculous, hateful posts by the liberal left?  Because they hate women, especially those with values. 

With that being said, what is the long-term implications of women (liberal, moderate  or conservative) in politics?  Even thing back to a few days ago when the late Senator Thurman Adams’ daughter was passed over to run for his open seat.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Von Cracker permalink
    July 3, 2009 9:27 pm

    Are you having a laugh?

    Oh please! What a whiny, little victim you are.

    It’s not about gender; it’s about the person and what they say they believe and support.

  2. July 3, 2009 9:39 pm

    I am not a victim, the vicious attacks on the women by the Democratic Party and liberals.

    From Hillary to Prejean to Palin to Bachmann, liberals time and again have shown their disdain for women. The hypocracy of the left that they care about women resonates loud and clear.

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